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Formal Graduation Ceremony Invitation Letter

Belitung Street No. 8
Bandung City
West Java, Indonesia
Postal Code 40113

Mr. and Mrs. Rahmat
Suryalaya VII Street No. 7
Bandung City
West Java, Indonesia
Postal Code 40265

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Rahmat and family,

We are extremely proud to extend to you an invitation to the SMAN 3 Bandung's Graduation Ceremony that your daughter will be graduating in.
The ceremony will take place at SMAN 3 Bandung's school hall and will begin sharply at 09.00 a.m. on Saturday, June 23rd.
We are attaching a programme of events for the weekend, so that you can plan ahead and not miss out on any part of your daughter's big day.

Every year we experience a wonderful turn out for the occasion and would love for the Rahmat family to attend to show appreciation for Hayfa Ghassani Rahmat's hard work. It is a time where we can all celebrate and congratulate our students for the effort they have put into their degrees.

I would be extremely grateful if you could R.S.V.P by no later than April 30th to or 0811 9876 4320.
Please advice us of any special mobility or dietary requirements you may have.

I hope you are able to accept this invitation and I look forward hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Jeihan Guruh
Homeroom Teacher


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