1. Purpose
To invite Mrs. Colling to attend a presentation that will demonstrate the ability of the community to develop employment opportunities, for the youth within the community.
2. Address
- Addresser: Lockwood Middle School, 307 Main Street. Lockwood, NJ 51686
- Addressee: Mrs. Jody Colling, President Lockwood Health Association, 23 Main Street. Lockwood NJ
3. Salutation/Greeting
"Dear Mrs. Colling,"
4. Reason Invitation
They would be honored by Mrs. Colling's attendance because she is the one of the prominent figures in the community.
5. Date, Time, and Place
- Date: January 16th
- Time: -
- Place: Lockwood Middle School's auditorium.
There is no information about the contact person, but the sender told the receiver to reply by Monday, January 9th to confirm her attendance.
7. Signature
Susan Harris"
Source: https://www.google.co.id/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwja5rfKyb7dAhUYY48KHRwDB3QQjhx6BAgBEAI&url=%2Furl%3Fsa%3Di%26source%3Dimages%26cd%3D%26ved%3D2ahUKEwip0I7Fyb7dAhUFPo8KHS0HAbQQjhx6BAgBEAI%26url%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fefficies.info%252Fexample-of-invitation-letter-recent%252Fexample-of-invitation-letter-interesting-how-write-an-sample%252F%26psig%3DAOvVaw1vZdUeLDdvzjUarXRRGd1R%26ust%3D1537154542918065&psig=AOvVaw1vZdUeLDdvzjUarXRRGd1R&ust=1537154542918065
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