My name is Hayfa Ghassani Rahmat. I'm 17 years old. I was born on 23rd February 2002, and currently live in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. There are 5 people in my family including me. There's my father, my mother, and my two little brothers. We're three and four years apart, so my little brothers are still in Junior High School right now. If you ask me what kind of person I am, I suppose I should say that I'm a strong-willed person, a perfectionist, and a fast-learner. On the other side, I'm also lazy, nonchalant, and too critical about myself. Since I was in elementary school, others always seen me as someone who's diligent and creative, but a little bit egoistic. And honestly, I won't deny it because that's quite right. I tend to care about things that only revolves around me. I really love reading. I love reading since I was a little kid. My father said that I could read since I was 3 and a half years old. I even read my father's textbooks...